
Forestry wages are higher than average Oregon pay.

     When we say Forestry, an image of flannel and saws typically come to mind; but there is a lot more to logging than merely running a chainsaw. The trees have to be planted, tended to, harvested, transported, milled and much more… each with their own set of unique skills. Don't forget that our lovely tree covered cities require an army of constant Arborists that stand ready to return power around the clock. Trajectory is currently pursuing a path to a paid training program for individuals wishing to get acclimated and acquire basic skills.

Below are (quite) a few different positions that might be of interest as a career. Ya, there are a lot of them (that's kind of the point. )

Follow Blake Manley , Teacher at Sweet Home High School, (Edit: Today you can find him at the University of Idaho.)  as he explores the many career paths within the Timber Industry. It takes a lot more workers to get a 2"x4" than you might imagine...

What Do We Make With All That Wood? 

Have You Heard About Earthquake And Fire Resilient Buildings Made From What We Call "Giant Renewable LEGO"?!?!?

If you want to find out more about the wide variety of careers that exist out in the woods, check out the Pacific Forest Foundation or Oregon Forest Resources Institute below. There are also a lot of really great conservation groups our there too, like the Clackamas River Basin Council and Native Plant Nurseries. It is going to take a whole lot of different people to solve the futures problems,

 And We We All Love The Forest.